solar navigation
The largest solar navigation in the Middle East and Africa for the production of sea salt and raw.
The largest solar navigation in the Middle East and Africa for the production of sea salt and raw.
We have a large number of loading belts inside the port with production capacity of up to 7000 tons per day.
Our company owns a part in the port for storing salt, as well as a shipping platform outside the port.
The port also has a capacity of up to 50,000 tons for ships to ship easily and does not take long to load.
High quality and purity of salt products and conform to the international standard specifications.
We have a network around the world through our offices in Libya and abroad and in Egypt and Turkey.
Raw salt with purity up to 98.3% of sodium chloride.
Deicing salt.
Iodized refine table salt with purity of up to 99.5%.
Industrial salt (tablets salt).